Profile of the department
The Department of Business Economics provides teaching of economic and managerial subjects in both the daily and external forms of study. The pedagogical process of the department is focused on the teaching of compulsory and compulsory elective subjects in the study program "Economics and Management of Enterprises of Wood-processing Industry" in bachelor and engineering degree.
Graduate profile of the study program: "Economics and Management of Enterprises of Wood-processing Industry"
A graduate of a Bachelor's degree program is able to perform management functions at intermediate levels of management, not only in wood and furniture production, but also in other manufacturing and commercial enterprises. The acquired knowledge from a set of subjects of general, professional and special professional (economic and wood profiling) creates the prerequisites for successful management of the enterprise as a whole and successful implementation of the graduate in the EU labor market.
The Master of science Program specializes graduates in the complex management of economic processes by applying tools and methods of economy and business management. Graduate is a qualified business manager at all levels of management, regardless of size, ownership, and legal forms. Ability to communicate in two world languages gives the assumptions for its application in the international environment.
History of the department
Academic year 1992/1993
Began teaching in the first year of the new study course "Enterprise Management", which was conceived as a purely economic-managerial and practically oriented and followed a 10-year positive experience in the preparation of woodworking engineers in st. ERDP. In the first three academic years, the study plans were modified:
1995/1996 was realized st. (specialization) Wood Science,
1996/1997 The opening of specializations Woodworking and Production and Technology Management
1997/1998, Specializations like Wood sciences, Production and Technology Management, Marketing and Trade were opened
2000/2001 The opening of specializations Woodworking, Production Management, Marketing and Trade, Controlling and Quality.
Akademický rok 1978/1979
realizácia nového 4-ročného študijného odboru - Ekonomika a riadenie drevospracujúceho priemyslu (ERDP), študijné plány sú od začiatku koncipované na dve študijné zamerania: prevádzkové inžinierstvo a systémové inžinierstvo. Obe zamerania mali dvojročný spoločný základ s diferencovanou výučbou od 5. semestra. Realizoval sa však len plán prvého zamerania. Významné miesto v období vzniku študijného odboru ERDP mala aj nová katedra KSI – Katedra systémového inžinierstva, ktorá bola zriadená k 1. 10. 1978, no po takmer trojročnom pôsobení bola znovu pričlenená k materskej Katedre ekonomiky a riadenia drevospracujúceho priemyslu. Prví drevárski inžinieri – absolventi odboru ERDP ukončili štúdium v roku 1982.
V akademickom roku 1990/1991
začalo vedenie fakulty pripravovať novú koncepciu štúdia, ktorá dala podnet k vzniku študijného zamerania „Podnikateľské riadenie“ v študijnom odbore „Drevárske inžinierstvo“. V danom akademickom roku katedra zmenila svoj názov – Katedra riadenia a hospodárskych náuk, ktorý sa v roku 1992 upravil na súčasný názov Katedra podnikového hospodárstva.
Began teaching in the first year of the new study course "Enterprise Management", which was conceived as a purely economic-managerial and practically oriented and followed a 10-year positive experience in the preparation of woodworking engineers in st. ERDP. In the first three academic years, the study plans were modified:
- 1995/1996 was realized st. (specialization) Wood Science.
- 1996/1997 The opening of specializations Woodworking and Production and Technology Management.
- 1997/1998, Specializations like Wood sciences, Production and Technology Management, Marketing and Trade were opened.
- 2000/2001 The opening of specializations Woodworking, Production Management, Marketing and Trade, Controlling and Quality.
Starting with the academic year 2015/2016, after the comprehensive accreditation in 2014, the title of the Enterprise Management in WPI study program was changed to Economics and Management of Woodworking Enterprises, which was accredited in the field of Economics and Management of Business for I. and II. level of higher education and is currently being implemented.
At present the department prepares the documents for the Accreditation Commission for III. university degree.